my oc world

Name: Kumo
Age: 23
Gender: transfem nonbinary
Pronouns: she/he/doll
Species: coelune
Race: indigenous caribbean
Orientation: lesbian


Kumo is generally very quiet, not speaking unless spoken to and keeping to herself. However, contrary to her soft appearance, she's a very opinionated person who loves to debate. He's very passionate about the state of politics and human rights, and can be very firm in an argument. Doll's confident and knows how to hold dolls ground, both mentally in an argument and physically. She's very creative and loves both fashion and interior design alongside dance. He tends to be very stubborn, and often won't budge on something once he's made up his mind.


Kumo realized she was transfem from a young age, and her parents were supportive and helped her begin transitioning during that time. However, she struggled hugely with her sense of femininity growing up, and this was what caused her to start taking dance lessons.

Dance became Kumo's first love, something she adored more than anything and threw her whole self into. She was very good at it too, able to learn quickly and being very physically agile. She started training to become professional when she was 15, and her teachers often praised how incredibly promising her performances were.

Kumo broke into professional ballet performances at age 19, and began to perform across different moons in varying ballets. Her parents were extremely proud of her, and it's something that's incredibly important to her and keeps her going.

View her gallery here!